Hotarari ale Consiliului Local

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explore subfolder image 12 - Decembrie
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind aprobarea acordarii de burse de merit elevilor din cadrul scolii gimnaziale nr 1 chiseletDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.25 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare Privind aprobarea retelei scolare a unitatilor de invatamant preuniversitar de stat pe raza comuneiDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.2 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare Privind aprobarea actualizarea tarifului pentru Taxa apa potabila si gunoi menajerDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.54 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare privind mandatarea domnului PENU MIHAIL in vederea exercitarii atributiilor in Adunarea GenDownload Preceding File Preview the file 21.88 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare Privind mandatarea reprezentantului de drept a domnului PENU MIHAILDownload Preceding File Preview the file 21.88 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare Privind aprobarea achizitionarii unui serviciu de consultanta asistentaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.44 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare privind aprobarea regulamentului de organizare si functionare a serviciului de iluminatDownload Preceding File Preview the file 30.42 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV-2021 - 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.83 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV 2021 - 5Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.77 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV 2021 - 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.74 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV 2021 - 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.74 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE Privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV 2021 - 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 25.22 KB
explore subfolder image 11 - Noiembrie
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE Privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV 2021 conform Anexei Nr. 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 25.02 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOB8F31Download Preceding File Preview the file 21.04 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOE5EC1Download Preceding File Preview the file 22.86 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA1Download Preceding File Preview the file 26.14 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA3Download Preceding File Preview the file 32.77 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA4Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.01 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare Privind revocarea H.C.L. nr. 2427 mai 2021Download Preceding File Preview the file 23.16 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare Privind stabilirea taxelor si impozitelor locale pentru anul 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file 23.37 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind alegerea presedintelui de sedinta pentru urmatoarele trei luniDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.59 KB
explore subfolder image 10 - Octombrie
A Microsoft Word file H desemnare reprezentanti comisia de evaluare interviuDownload Preceding File Preview the file 50.5 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA2Download Preceding File Preview the file 23.74 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA1Download Preceding File Preview the file 26.84 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE Privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul IV 2021 conform Anexei Nr. 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.65 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA3Download Preceding File Preview the file 23.59 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARA4Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.22 KB
explore subfolder image 09- Septembrie
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind folosirea sumelor din fondul de rulmentDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.91 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotararea privind aprobarea indicatorilor tehnico-economici si a documentatiei docxDownload Preceding File Preview the file 30.56 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotararea privind aprobarea Devizului General actualizatDownload Preceding File Preview the file 27.72 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare Privind analiza stadiului de înscriere a datelor în registrul agricolDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.49 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE Privind aprobarea rectificarii de buget local pe Trimestrul III 2021Download Preceding File Preview the file 24.63 KB
explore subfolder image 08 - August
A Microsoft Word file hotarare pprivind inlocuire instalatie electrica sediul primarieiDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.71 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind folosirea sumelor din fondul de rulmentDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.09 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind alegerea presedintelui de sedinta pentru urmatoarele trei luniDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.07 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind achizitionare echipamente iDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.67 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare privind asfaltare strazi PNDLDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.24 KB
explore subfolder image 07 - Iulie
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind aprobarea modificarii si completarii inventarul bunurilor care alcatuiesc domeniul publicDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29.46 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind insusirea documentatiei cadastraleDownload Preceding File Preview the file 26.35 KB
explore subfolder image 06 - Iunie
A Microsoft Word file hotarare transformare postDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.1 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind folosirea sumelor din fondul de rulmentDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.01 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare privind GHISEUL.roDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.86 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE completare si modificare nomenclator stradalDownload Preceding File Preview the file 26.7 KB
explore subfolder image 05 - Mai
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind alegerea presedintelui de sedinta pentru urmatoarele trei luniDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.96 KB
A file of unknown type hotarare privind acordarea a doua indemnizatiiDownload Preceding File 127.81 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare privind reorganizarea CLSUDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.97 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind transferul de crediteDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.76 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE TRANSFER TEREN DIN PUBLIC IN PRIVAT 639 mDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.85 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE TRANSFER TEREN DIN PUBLIC IN PRIVAT 1.100 mDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.74 KB
explore subfolder image 04 - Aprilie
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE infiintare unitate apa si canalizareDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.83 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind vanzarea suprafetei de 1.115.mDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.24 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE reparare aleie pietonala 2.400 mDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.56 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare anvelopare si reparare sediul primarieiDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.05 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare aprobarea bugetului local 2021Download Preceding File Preview the file 27.13 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare perdele forestiereDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.97 KB
explore subfolder image 03 - Martie
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind decontare suma 517.893.96 leiDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.01 MB
A Microsoft Word file Hotarare achizitionare 500 tone piatra spartaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.96 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind plata unor creante bugetareDownload Preceding File Preview the file 26.36 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE privind aprobarea unor suprafete de terenDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.38 KB
explore subfolder image 02 - Februarie
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE alipire terenDownload Preceding File Preview the file 24.76 KB
A Microsoft Word file HOTARARE DEZMEMBRARE TERENDownload Preceding File Preview the file 25.14 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare perdele forestiereDownload Preceding File Preview the file 23.61 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare aprob. planului de ocupare functii publiceDownload Preceding File Preview the file 22.86 KB
explore subfolder image 01 - Ianuarie
A Microsoft Word file Hotararea 29.01Download Preceding File Preview the file 29.11 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotararea MANDATARE ADI ECOAQUADownload Preceding File Preview the file 39 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare valorificare inventarDownload Preceding File Preview the file 21.25 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare privind alegerea pres. de sedintaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 20.7 KB
A Microsoft Word file hotarare executie bugetaraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 20.57 KB
A Microsoft Word file Hotararea din 29.01Download Preceding File Preview the file 25 KB
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_49-1412202001132021Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.28 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_53-1412202001132021Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.28 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_52-1412202001132021Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.31 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_51-1412202001132021Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.59 MB
An Adobe Acrobat file HCL_50-1412202001132021Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.49 MB
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